Concert organizer company

Concert organizer company

To organize A successful Concert Event in Malaysia, we as company based locally here in Malaysia provides you following services :-

It all starts with the budget and the scale at which you want to organize the concert. We create an event budget template that can be used for future events. We set up a realistic budget to cover all expenses related to the infrastructure, booking the venue, talent buying and logistics including any contingency. Ascertain at this point, if you need any sponsors for your event, especially if it’s a fundraiser event. We track everything about your budget to ensure you don’t overspend.

Depending on the type of concert you’re organizing and your budget, we let you choose artists your attendees are die-hard fans of. Do an analysis of what works best for your audience. For example, if you’re looking to organize a concert in Malaysia for people aged between 21-50, who enjoy rap, pop and dance music, then we should get an artist like Pitbull for your event. Also, if you’re going for multiple artists, make sure they are comfortable performing with the other bands. Basically, give your audience what they love. Reach out to a concert promoter like us who help you buy talent and get the greatest artists to perform at your event. We also produces many concert events per year in venues ranging from small traditional indoor theaters to 10,000 capacity temporary outdoor venues that our production staff set up from scratch.

Once your artists are decided, we help you finalize on the venue by providing you numerous options here in Malaysia.

Is it an indoor or an outdoor concert? We have already a long list of casino or a pubs based locally in Kuala Lumpur, the venue won’t a big concern for you by having us. But if you’re hosting the concert outdoors, you can choose a stadium or an open space for the concert location. Depending on your budget and how many attendees your venue can accommodate, finalize your venue. Consider the traffic, distance to get to the venue and parking facilities while booking the venue. Geotag the location of your event on social media and our online ticket store so your attendees can get to the venue easily.

By now you already know who are performing and where they will perform. Based on the availability of your artists, we help you set your concert event date. Create the buzz around the event and also while launching the concert, send out email campaigns and reminders to the stakeholders and your audience. if you are having it during the holiday season , there will be several events during the time. We help you top have your event dates don’t clash with another important and popular event, since Malaysia is very diversified in population . Once your concert date is set, we will start planning along with you promotional and marketing for your target audience b y our various digital and physical promotional services all around Malaysia.


Be it a small gig or a big concert, book the sound system and speakers needed for the concert, if the venue doesn’t have it already. If it’s an outdoor concert in an open space, we has to set up a great stage for your artists, rent the stage equipment including light and sound. Set up a backstage, dressing room and take care of the food arrangements at the concert. While just the logistics, we will arrange getting the required permits for noise and alcohol consumption. Another important factor in logistics is the manpower recruitment. If it’s a large concert we will provide you a list of hosts, multilingual and you can begin your recruitment process well in advance. You’ll need volunteers to welcome, answer queries and attend to any issue they may face while at the concert. If you’re offering liquor at the concert, we make sure you have trained security, CCTV surveillance and drones to take care of any unwanted situation. With our mobile apps, your check-in and check out process will be so quick, you won’t need too many volunteers at the entry and exit points.

Ticket pricing is one of the important factors to focus on if you’re looking for a sold-out status. Once you know your expenses and the number of attendees expected at the concert, add an extra margin to cover up additional expenses and set up your ticket price. We will create multiple ticket types to give your attendees a choice. Roll out exciting offers like early bird offer or bundled pricing to sell more tickets online. 

The world wide web has made promoting an event pretty simple and easy for event presenters. Today, you can post your events on social media, create your event on Facebook and check how many will turn up for your concert easily. You can also roll out contests, give away freebies and offer group discounts. Apart from social media campaigns, use email marketing to let your attendees know about your upcoming concert. You can use our MailChimp integration to send out invites and access codes to VIP attendees weeks before the event. Alternatively, you can also list your events with us for free. All you need to do is create your event and we will share your event on our social media profiles for you and online News and media partners will help you promote your concert in Malaysia.

We help you partner with or call on for sponsorships to defray the costs and increase potential participation. Plus, when you involve other people or groups in your event, they have a stake in helping spread the word and making the event a success — the more the merrier, right? 

You might want to consider:

  • Seeking corporate sponsors to fund a portion of the concert event. This can range from national organizations that might want to sponsor a dinner, offer a door prize or a key silent auction item, to local businesses that might be able to provide goods or services, such as flowers for the tables, gift bag items, etc.
  • Partnering with community organizations who might be able to offer a venue and/or assistance with organizing or staffing an event. Also Government agencies, Travel partners who wish to sponsor, we may act of your behalf so you can get mutual benefit.  
  • Partner with local businesses. There may be businesses in your area that would be willing to put up your promotional materials in exchange for you promoting their name at the concert itself. Approach business owners to see if they would like to take part.
    1. Some business owners may be willing to provide other services for your concert in exchange for the promotion of their business.
    2. The more business partners your concert has, the more promotional reach you will gain through each business.

Whether this is your first event or you’re an expert at hosting a concert event, always capture memories of your event. It’ll help you in two ways – you can see the results of your hard work and second, you can share it on social media to let people know about the success of the concert. So, if anyone missed your concert, they’ll make it a point to attend your next concert for sure.


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