What Is The Function Of A Distribution Board (Box)?
The distribution board distributes the primary electric supply (often from a generator or existing building power supply) to secondary circuits such as lights, fans, air conditioning, extension plug outlets, and so on. The 60 amp, 80 amp, 100 amp, and 200 amp distribution boxes are offered for rent in four different sizes.
The load current of the electrical appliances determines the size of the sub switchboard. Always choose an electrical DB box with a higher amp rating than what is required. To connect the distribution panelboard to the main power supply, a 30 metre DB box wiring electric cable will be provided. Construction sites, industrial plant temporary usages, corporate events, commercial festivals, and private parties are all common uses for our portable distribution boards.
Why should you rent a portable electric DB box from us?
When the main switch on the DB board detects an electrical problem, it will shut down the circuit and safeguard your electric circuit. It has the potential to decrease the danger of the entire circuit being ruined. Attempting to repair and replace a circuit or fuse during an event is a disaster for any event planner.
Electrical switch boxes aid in the detection of malfunctioning equipment – You can locate faulty appliances by manually turning on the micro circuit breakers (MCBs) one at a time. When a short circuit occurs at the faulty appliances, the MCB box will trigger, cutting the power. After the ruined equipment has been removed, your work or events can resume as usual. It cuts down on the time it takes to find a broken item.
Precautionary measures – Any user might be put in danger by defective electrical equipment. If a short occurs, the panel breaker box will quickly turn off the electric supply, reducing the danger of an electrical hazard to the user.